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Frequently Asked Questions

I just signed and returned my contract.  What happens next?

You will receive your AMA email and welcome letter with essential information.  Once you have reviewed the contents, you can then start your Disney training and set up your social media.

What are my first steps to get started?       

· Log into your email and review any pending emails.

· Register under  Sign up for and complete the College of Disney Knowledge (CDK) online training program.  

· Familiarize yourself with the specialist section on our website,

· Set up your Facebook page and social media pages as needed.  

· Order business cards and marketing materials (small amount to start until you find your niche).

Is this a part-time or full-time business?

 It is whatever you want it to be, some make it a full time business promoting themselves year round every day, others just sell to family and friends for a supplemental income and great perks!

Am I an employee of Amazing Magical Adventures and/or Disney?

No, you are an independent contractor for Amazing Magical Adventures, LLC. You will receive a 1099 Form each year with your earnings. You are responsible for filing this with your tax filings.


Do I need a business name or Tax ID number?

NO. As an independent contractor you can use your social security number. A 1099 will be sent to you at the end of each year to use for tax filing purposes.

Can I start working and promoting myself once I sign the contract?

Yes, you can order collateral, workbooks and business cards to begin promoting. However, you are required to complete the College Of Disney Knowledge online program within one month of start date and before beginning to book vacations. It is HIGHLY suggested that you attend at least one on-site Agent Education Program (AEP) or personal trip to the resorts/parks within 18 months of start-up.

How do I get my CLIA card?

You are eligible for CLIA membership from Day 1 of joining the agency.  The CLIA card will be issued based on earned commission in a calendar year.   Membership and CLIA card are fees are the responsibility of the agent.  

Do I need a CLIA ID Card to attend an onsite program?

Because of our affiliation with the Walt Disney Travel Company agents DO NOT need a CLIA or IATA card to attend onsite trainings or book travel.  You will need your CLIA card to obtain perks and discounts after you have met the minimum CLIA sales requirements.

What support will I have?

You will work with a team of experienced, knowledgeable members of Amazing Magical Adventures, LLC and The Walt Disney Travel Co. who will provide you with support during your training period and throughout your association with Amazing Magical Adventures. Our team has extensive travel industry experience and training is also available through our vendors.


Will I have marketing materials and collateral From Disney? along with our other vendors offers collateral you need to use as sales tools. If you are hosting an event or need more collateral than offered please send an email to Please make sure to have information on how many people you expect and the materials that you will require.   Please order the minimum amount as much of the material is dated.

Where do I book vacations?


All Disney vacations must be booked online or by phone directly through the Walt Disney Travel Company, Adventures by Disney and the Disney Cruise Line for highest commission available. See the Supplier List for phone numbers and web addresses. Using another Tour Operator may result to a lower commission payment. 

How do I use the online forms?

Our reservation and payment forms are hosted through VacationCRM.  These forms are available on  For you to be able to access your client’s information when a form is submitted, please make sure clients know to select your name from the agent drop down menu on each form.

Can my clients make their own payments?

No. Suppliers will only take payment from Amazing Magical Adventures agents. You will be responsible for collecting your clients payment and keeping track of due dates. Credit and Debit card payment can be paid on line or by phone to the Walt Disney Travel Co. Payment by check is discouraged.  However, if your client chooses to pay by check it must be paid 10 days prior to the due date, made out to and mailed to Walt Disney Travel Company at the address specified on with a copy of a Package Payment Form. Tracking info is suggested.   All payment information submitted by clients will be available only to the agent of record via Vacation CRM.

How do I get my clients vacation documents?

WALT DISNEY WORLD- All vacation package documents for Walt Disney World are sent to the agency within 30 days of your client’s departure date. Packages are sent out from our office twice a week priority mail. It is your responsibility to look over your client’s documents and deliver them in a timely manner. If you do not receive your clients documents AT LEAST 7 DAY PRIOR TO DEPARTURE, it is suggested that you call Disney and have the documents delivered directly to the resort.

DISNEY CRUISE LINES-  All vacation package documents for Disney Cruise Lines are sent to the agency quickly after final payment. Packages are sent out from our office twice a week priority mail. It is your responsibility to look over your client’s documents and deliver them in a timely manner.

DISNEYLAND- When booking a Disneyland package it is imperative that you have the documents SHIPPED TO THE CLIENT.  This package contains live tickets and often arrives at the agency within a time period that does not allow for it to reach the client BEFORE travel. 

Is there a cost for mailing packages?

Guest Vacation Packages received by the agency are sent free of charge via Priority Mail if there is enough time for delivery to agent.   Fed Express and UPS are available and range from $17.00 and up based on package weight and size. If you have a client who is traveling within one week or on short notice contact us immediately so that we can overnight the package to you. All overnight charges for vacation packages will be deducted from commission.   You can always contact Disney and have Walt Disney World documents re-issued and sent directly to the resort to avoid additional fees.

How do I get my Special Events tickets?

Special Events, Halloween and Christmas tickets should be sent directly to the client or held at will call for pick up.

Can I Book Groups?

Yes. Booking groups is a terrific way to earn more commission. However, this takes meticulous planning and extensive record keeping.  Please send an email to for ALL group related requests and assistance.

How much will I earn?

You will receive an agreed upon percentage of the total package commission.  For example, if the agency is paid the standard 10% commission on a $4000 vacation ($400), as the travel agent, you would receive your portion upon completion of guest travel.   However, a $4,000 package may include non-commissionable portions.  Standard commissions are 10% of the commissionable portion of the vacation package.

What are the commission policies?

Commissions are paid once a month.  At times Disney takes up to four weeks from your client’s departure to pay commissions. Disney may process a payment on a certain date, but that does not mean it has been mailed to or processed by us in our agency’s system by month’s end. Walt Disney Travel Company, ABD and Disney Cruise Line pay on different schedules. We have no control over the payments that come in.   Our finance department matches the commissions received with reservations entered the VacationCRM program and paid accordingly.   Reservations MUST be entered VacationCRM to be paid.  at the end of each month for travel completed the previous month. (example: Commission for clients that have returned from vacation in March will be paid to agents in April) Reservations entered late or after clients return may incur a penalty fee for research and processing of $15.00 per reservation.  Reservations accumulated and entered 30 days or more after travel will incur a penalty fee for research and processing of $25.00 per reservation. Commissions entered after 31 days will not be paid. To avoid this please enter your commissions in a timely manner. 

How do I get my name on Amazing Magical Adventures Website?

Once you have completed the College Of Disney Knowledge Program your name will be added to the website.

How do I use the Dropdown list as a contact for my clients?

When sending out flyers, postcards, ads or marketing materials you will add your name and the website asking your clients to contact you. They will find you on the dropdown list of agents when requesting a quote and it will be forwarded to your e-mail.

Should I purchase E&O Insurance?

Errors and Omissions insurance (also called "E&O") is professional liability insurance. It protects travel agents against liability claims caused by errors (something the agent does) or omissions (something the agent failed to do). Most E&O Insurance policies provide up to $1,000,000.00 coverage. E&O Insurance is optional, but recommended as you grow your business. Rates vary depending on coverage and Insurance provider.

Amazing Magical Adventures, LLC has a $1,000,000 Errors and Omissions policy to cover many mistakes made during the travel process.  However, this policy may not cover agents in all situations.  Any incidents that require the use of this policy are subject to a deductible, which is the responsibility of the agent.

What if I want to sell more than Disney Destinations?

As an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner our emphasis is Disney, however we encourage our agents to follow their passions.  Many times as you enter the world of travel, you will find that other destinations may interest you.  We will help our agents grow their businesses in the way they see fit by providing them with many educational and business opportunities.


Can I design my own business card?

Yes.  However, we ask that you share your design with the legal dept. BEFORE purchase.  This is to ensure proper usage of all trademarks and logos.

What is "Earmarked"? ( Authorized Disney Vacation Planner)

Amazing Magical Adventures is thrilled to have been selected by Disney Destinations as an “Authorized Disney Vacation Planner”.  Travel Agencies designated by Disney Destinations as an “Authorized Disney Vacation Planner” are referred to as "Earmarked" agencies.  All Amazing Magical Adventures Specialists are required to complete an extensive training on Disney products, including theme parks, resorts, cruises, vacations packages and more, so they can assist their clients in planning truly magical Disney experiences.   The distinction of Earmarked is awarded to the agency based on several factors from sales to marketing and much more.   Although we are agents on the front lines contribute greatly to the award, it is considered an agency award and not an individual award.  Therefore, based on Disney policy, we are not Authorized Disney Vacation Planners but instead are agents with Amazing Magical Adventures, an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner or Earmarked Agency.

Can I travel at a discount?

Travel is a highly regulated industry. Travel agent credentials, in the form of an IATA or CLIA card cannot be purchased outright, they must be earned through commissionable sales.  The only way to earn these travel credentials is to have a minimum of $5,000 in commissions each year. (Approximately $50,000.00 in Disney Destination vacation sales) Once you have reached this amount you will be eligible to apply for Travel Agent CLIA ID Card, which will allow you to access discounts across the travel industry. Discounted travel is available per supplier policy to qualifying agents.

Can I create my own website?

Agents may have their own website but must comply policies and copyright guidelines of the agency and all vendors per our contract.   The use of DISNEY and/or AMAZING MAGICAL ADVENTURES cannot be used in the title or URL. Any names affiliated with Disney, Character names and clipart, copyrighted photos and text are prohibited. In no way should you attempt to represent yourself as an employee of the Disney Company or Amazing Magical Adventures, LLC. A written request to Amazing Magical Adventures with URL must be submitted and approved by the legal department.   Amazing Magical Adventures and Disney retain the right to remove any Disney Copyright materials and Amazing Magical Adventures Copyright Materials from an agent’s site at any given time. Websites MUST clearly display “An Affiliate Of Amazing Magical Adventures” or “An Amazing Magical Adventures Affiliate” and the Amazing Magical Adventures logo with a link back to must clearly appear on the HOMEPAGE of the website.

Amazing Magical Adventures will list each agents name on the agent dropdown list on and forward any leads back the agent.  To have your own Disney branded mini site, please visit, Disney Tools, Disney Content Connection.   Once your website is complete we ask to review it by submitting the URL to

Can I advertise my business on Social Media sites?

Agents may participate in any form of Social Media but must comply with company guidelines, copyright guidelines all vendors.  The Walt Disney Travel Co. and Amazing Magical Adventures LLC., has the right to remove Disney Copyright and Amazing Magical Adventures Copyright Materials from an agent’s social media site at any given time. Any Social Media, Blogs and Forums must clearly display “An Affiliate Of Amazing Magical Adventures” or “An Amazing Magical Adventures Affiliate”. Agents are not permitted to misrepresent themselves as an employee of The Walt Disney Travel Co. or of Amazing Magical Adventures, LLC. by using DISNEY, Amazing Magical Adventures, AMA or any names associated in any way, on websites, URLs, social media, or e-mail address.  For additional questions, please reference the Amazing Magical Adventures Copyright Policy.

Can I create my own e-mail address?

Agents are provided with an agency email ( to be used when corresponding with guests, completing training, registering for vendors (with agency approval) and related travel emails.  

Can I use Disney, or Amazing Magical Adventure or Authorized Disney Vacation Planner in an email address on a website or on social media?

No. You are not an employee of Amazing Magical Adventures or the Disney company. All of these names are copyright protected and cannot be misused or misleading to your clients. You may use the terms “Affiliated with Amazing Magical Adventures” the URL and “Specializing in Disney Destinations” or “Disney Destinations Specialist”.

YOU MAY NOT USE “AUTHOIRZED DISNEY VACATION PLANNER” or the Authorized Disney Vacation Planner logo.  The Authorized Disney Vacation Planner Logo CANNOT be used by individual agents.  It is a designation and logo given at the AGENCY level.  Use of this logo by individuals can result in the termination of your contract.

Disney is very serious about copyright.  We ask to review your business cards and website before production NOT because we want to limit or control your business pages.  It is to help make certain that everyone is acting in accordance with Disney’s copyright regulations.  This is a safeguard for both independent contractors and Amazing Magical Adventures.

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29295 Cedar Lane                                                                                                                                                                      Tel: 888-661-4262

Santa Clarita, CA  9135                                                                                                                                                             Fax: 888-661-4262                                                                                                                                   Cell:  661-733-1094


Amazing Magical Adventures, LLC is an independent travel agency offering promotions and vacation packages 

                                                             and NOT an agent of The Walt Disney Company or its affiliates.                                                                                              As to Disney artwork, logos and properties: © Disney |  Disney Cruise Line - Ship Registry: The Bahamas 


Copyright Amazing Magical Adventures, LLC 2020                                                                                             FLA:  ST40742  /  CA: 21290350                                                                                                    

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